If you fought the purple WWW Navi in the vending machine a little while ago, this is basically the same fight. I got a Guts Man V3 chip on my first turn so I was able to take out both of the cannons right off the bat. Then I got a Skull Man V3 chip and that was the end of the beetle thing. You get 3000 Zennys for this.
After the battle, you'll get an e-mail telling you that an old friend of Higsby's who works at SciLab used to be part of WWW as well. Feel free to wander around a bit before you set off to find him. There is a Merchant who has an ever-valuable PowerUp, as well as a few HPmemories, and there is also a WWW gate nearby with a free HPmemory.
When you are ready to head over to the Government Complex (rememver he's in the SciLab section) seek out the guy marching around near the lobby/tv area. He hands over the Sci Memo and tells us that there are actually two more ex-members in Dentown... *sigh* So I guess we're going back there now.
First go talk to SPOILERSSHOCKSURPRISE Ms. Mari's twin sister Yuri over at the school. She'll give you the Yuri Memo.
Soooo, wait. They're identical twin sisters. But they have different last names and neither of them are married? Or do children just call their teachers by their first names in the future? But then again nothing else in this game really makes sense, why should they start now. Moving along.
When you talk to the only old man in the central part of town he tells you he's not an ex WWW member. Crap. So go back to ACDC town and talk to the guy just north of the metro station. You'll get Pa's Memo. At last we are ready to head out.
Return to the first Undernet area you accessed with the Hig Code. Note that you can use your newly-acquired memos to access this area from the 'W' exit at the left of Area 3 as well as via the Miyu area. The entrance from Area 3 will actually take you right next to our next destination - the 'W' path at the north end. use the Sci Memo to open up the door and into Undernet 2.

By the way, the shadow you can see just to the northwest there was a mystery data containing 6000 zennys. So that was nice.
Continue through to the end of the area (it's not all that big or confusing) to another W panel where you can use the Yuri Memo. In the next undernet area there isn't really anything of note, so just keep going till you find the next panel where you can use the Pa's Memo.
Again, nothing much of note here except that I found a mystery data containing 10,000 zennys in the northeast corner. Oh, also there's a boss. You'll be able to glimpse his big red self from a good distance, and you'll also be able to tell you've arrived because you will see the big foreboding square platform. You may want to put some water element chips in your folder and make sure you're not wearing the WoodArmor.
Bomb Man
600 HP
Cross Bomb Kick: He will kick three bombs out into your area, and they will explode in a cross pattern (one space each to the north, south, east, and west). They will all land at different times, so you will be able to dodge them all.
Mine: He places a mine in your area
He has another attack where he places bombs in his own area, but I never really got to find out what the purpose for these was because I just blew them up with my own chips. Maybe that's all they're there for, I dunno.
That's all we had to do here for now, so jack out.
It's time to head over to the SciLab and talk to Lan's dad, so let's do that. So you talk to him and then in about two seconds you're able to convince him to let you go face off against the world's largest terrorist organization. Also he asks you if you are able to handle the responsability of your actions against them possibly instigating full-scale war and the game makes you say yes BUT I HAVE A FUNNY FEELING that Lan wouldn't actually handle it so well.
ANYWAY. We're supposed to go practice net battling or something. I decided to go look for Color Man and Elec Man V3.

At this point I put Lan to bed, but since this post is so short I am just going to keep going.

AH IT'S THE MOTHER ELF. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you should go play the entire Mega Man Zero series. Yes, right now. Don't worry, I'll wait.

Kay, so shortly after this he said YAHOOT which I thought was some expression of excitement, and I was like WOW I SHOULD TOTALLY START USING THAT. But it wasn't. It was the name of the guy he was talking to. Whatever, I'm going to start using it like that anyway.
So anyway, the next day will start and you will get an e-mail from your dear ol dad letting you know you know that they found the terrorists but don't know how to get you to their base. That's a little bit disappointing I guess, but they'll figure something out eventually I suppose. Go downstairs and Lan's mom will be like "Hey son, there's an apocalyptic scenario being announced on the tv, isn't that swell?" And all I have to say about that is... a hacking rocket? Really? You just said that?
I did my regular running around - there's a boy at the school in the Br room (where Ms. Mari was tied up forever ago) who wants to give you a BusterBomb D for the XPanel3 S that girl gave you a short while ago. You can also go in the teacher's lounge now but there's nothing in there.
Also, Chaud is lurking around ACDC town like a lurky lurkface, so you can challenge Proto Man V2 if you wish.

I am going to go and explore more of the net - specifically the parts where each new section has a different requirement. I have mentioned the "bravery" one in a previous post - all you have to do is not run from any battles in that area. Also this area has two exits, first I will be covering the areas from the north exit on the upper level.
"Style" area:
Make it to the gate without taking any damage
*Note: BombMan V2 is located here

"Free Run" area:
No challenge. Also no continuation - it's a dead end. There is a merchant with more HPmemory and a PowerUp. Buy these if you'd like.
Now for the areas from the north-east exit, on a different section of the level.
"Collect" area:
I'm not exactly sure what you have to collect here. I just kept fighting battles till it let me through.
"Avoid" area:
Get to the gate at the end of the area with few encounters (I got more than 5 so I'm guessing it is less than 10 they are looking for)
Note that this area has a WWW gate - behind which is a PowerUp!
"Rank" area:
You will have to start the area over if you get a busting level below 5 at any point. There is a merchant, and the exit is right by him. Where, you ask?

End area:
Alright. So this is the end... and I'm not really sure what we're supposed to do. I got 20,000 zennys from a mystery data and a couple Ratton3 chips but there's nowhere to go to from here and none of the npcs give you anything. Huh. That's... kinda irritating.
Here I was hoping that when I got to the end there would be something exciting for me to end my post on, but... doesn't seem to be the case. So uh. That's all.
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