Hello, I'm Indigo and this is my video game walkthrough blog. I'm not amazing but I try my best. I mostly do rpg's because faster paced games are more difficult to screenshot, but that's mostly what I play to begin with so it works out well. Games are mostly going to be Nes/Snes/Gameboy/Gameboy Advance. I hope what I've done can be helpful!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Mega Man Battle Network (Part XI)

Yaaaaay, I'm finished! That wasn't a very exciting ending th-oooooh wait. You mean "probably going to die." Alright then.


Okay so anyway, we have to fight this guy now. Yes, for real. No, you don't have a chance to save first. On the bright side, he finally says "lord" instead of "load." (That's probably not a bright side to most people who aren't me)

Proto Man
500 HP
Long Sword: He will just do a regular swipe with a longsword.

Proto Swipe: You'll see him "charging" (it will look the same as Mega Man's buster shot and also make the same noise) and a second later he will step into your area and attack with a LongSword attack. If you dodge it, he will do it up to three times.

Proto Shield: If he sees you about to fire off something like WoodTower, or a Cannon or anything like that, he will put up a shield and nullify all damage.

Right, so Mine chips are extremely useful here, as are Navi chips (especially GutsMan, as he moves around a lot and limiting his movement will be very helpful). You can damage him with Dynamite chips if you get right beside him and place them on top of him. Also swords are really quick, so those can work well too.

Not nearly as worrisome as I had been afraid of.

So after they are done delivering their message about THE POWER OF FRIENSHIP, Lan says "fix the power out" which is horrible, and then you will be in control again. Turn around and flip the switch. Yaaaay, crisis averted.

....Until Lan's dad says "that was a long power out" GEJRHEIURHEUIHI WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE. I KNOW YOUR LIVES DEPEND ON THE INTERNET BUT SO DOES MINE AND I STILL KNOW THE PROPER WORDING FOR A POWER OUTAGE. Jeeeeeeeeez. Aren't you supposed to be the smartest dude on the world or some crap?

This is like the "make Indigo have a grammar induced stroke" chapter of Battle Network.

Anyway, at the start of the next day we get an e-mail from Dad. No, we are not friends with Chaud. Maybe if you were AROUND once in a while you'd know he tried to REMOVE OUR INTESTINES. Our digital intestines. And by "our" I mean "just Mega Man's." But really. Lan has no reason for existing without Mega Man, so it might as well be "our".

We're going to ignore Chaud's little emo fit for a while and go explore the internet.

Area 1:
Use the WWW Pin to unlock the door and get a TriLance M

Area 2:
Use the WWW Pin to unlock the gate and get a PowerUP.

\Sal Area:
Use the WWW Pin to unlock the gate and get a FighterSword B
Use the @Masa you got to connect his terminal to the net

So, we found Color Man V2.

And he was hiding right here, in the area of the net just past Sal's. It has a black W panel off to the left a little ways up from where you enter.

\Miyu Area:
Open the WWW gate to get an HPmemory (hidden on the left side, underneath the upper path)

"Bravery" Area:
Open up the WWW gate to get an HPmemory.

That's all I did on the net for now, besides buying the AquaArmor and all the upgrades from the merchant in the Bravery area.

Head over to the government complex (you will get an e-mail about a virus with an aura) and challenge Shark Man V2 if you wish.

Yep. I am still terrible.

I traded that Howitzer H to the man in the lobby and he gave me a BusterPunch C. Worth it? Probably not. There's also a man down in the restaurant who will trade a WoodAura C if you give him an Invis2 J, Ratton3 L and Cloudest K. I only had the first one, so I couldn't do this... as usual.While you're here go in and talk to the guy standing by the Sci Lab elevator and find out where our best bud Chaud is at.

That's all the new stuff here, so I went over to Dentown. I didn't find much new here, either. In the school (which is on the west block, if you forget) there is a new student - a boy who will give you a little quiz on some pointless information.

1) How many light bulbs in the power plant network?
 a) 16
 b) 17
 c) 18

2) What's the name of the Navi that took over the Waterworks?
 a) Guts Man
 b) Ice Man
 c) Stone Man

3) What do you always say when you jack in?
 a) Transmission!
 b) Battle opperation!
 c) Transmit!

4) Which of these chips does 80 damage to your opponent?
 a) ShockWave
 b) Recover80
 c) Sword

5) Which of these chips increase your battle area?
 a) Steal
 b) Escape
 c) X-Panel1

For this you get a Ratton1 E. Laaaaaaame potatoes.

Over in the east block, I fought Skull Man again (avoiding Chaud along the way of course).

I have recently realized a pattern in my S-Ranks that actually give me a V3 chip. For a while I thought it was just random, but it appears that isn't the case. In order to get the V3 chip you have to defeat the enemy JUST as they are beginning to make their attack. For instance for Skull Man, I hit him just as he was leaning his head forward to breathe fire... but note that the fire had not actually come out yet. The timing is veeeeery important.

This chip does 210 damage to a single enemy. That is useful. Anyway, now that this is done I GUESS we can go talk to Chaud. He's in the center area of the town if you missed passing him earlier.

After the schoolyard bully has his go at you, return to ACDC town and head over to Hisby's shop.


WHY. (Just for the sake of seeming less like a crazy person, I actually find these errors amusing and even though I do love grammar and proof reading it doesn't make me flip out like all this caps-locking and bold-facing lets on).

Anyway, you will get the Hig Code. Now we can infiltrate the digital mafia. But next time.

Continue to part XII -->

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