While we're here in town, head to Higsby's shop. He isn't around but he left a little present for us. Tah-dah. Let's go hop on the trolley (the secret, evil terrorist trolley) and spray some old man with our apocalypse repellant. Talk to the men at the metroline station to find out you can't use your pass there, but the conductors sometimes say they suspect there is a hidden metroline. Which for some reason I cannot even begin to fathom, is hidden behind the fountain at the elementary school. But when you go down the steps you'll soon get booted out again. March on over to SciLab, then.

Ladies and gentlemen... we didn't think this day would ever come. But it has... and it is beautiful. Those Elec Man chips helped a little bit. Juuuust a little bit.
Before continuing on I went and tested something.

While we're out doing stuff, there is a scientist down in the Power Plant that will give you another quiz.
1) Whose Navi is called GutsMan?
a) Dex
b) Yai
c) Mayl
2) Whos the summer school teacher in Dentown?
a) Ms. Miyu
b) Ms. Mari
c) Ms. Yuri
3) Who owns the chip show in ACDC town?
a) Bigsby
b) Higsby
c) Migsby
4) How many chairs are in the school's AV room?
a) 6
b) 8
c) 9
5) What musical instrument is in Mayl's room?
a) A piano
b) A violin
c) A pipe organ
6) How old is Yai?
a) 6
b) 8
c) 12
7) What chip do you use to escape from a battle?
a) JackOut
b) Steal
c) Escape
8) The antique shop is on what block of Dentown?
a) Block2
b) Block3
c) Block4
9) What kind of toy is in Mayl's room?
a) A game machine
b) A stuffed Lan
c) A stuffed animal
10) What are Ms. Mari's measurements?
a) 30, 25, 30
b) 33, 22, 33
c) 44, 33, 44
All I have to say is... pervert. >.> You get a Ratton3 M for your efforts.
Alright, so other than this there is a man in the filter room (north exit from where Froid is in the waterworks) who is looking for; WoodMan3 W, SkullMan3 S, SharkMan3 S, DropDown B and IronBody C.
I had all the chips but the DropDown B, but I don't really want to be making this trade at this point anyway. What he gives you for it is a HeroSword B, which is part of a collection you need for the game's most powerful Program Advance (...I think). When you're done with this, go speak to Lan's abandonment issues. I mean his father.
Dr. Hikari will fix the pass up in about two seconds, so head back to the death trolley and embark on your grand adventure.

Hahahaha, okay. So just after this, Mr. Higsby makes some sort of hostage noise and Mega Man goes "It's Ms. Yuri and the old man!" completely disregarding Mr. Higsby. Way to go, hero guy.
Anyhoo, head up the ramp to the left - but you can't get through the door right now. So jack into the invisible door panel thing.

Right so the green navi nearby will give you 7 ice blocks, so let's get this on the go.

Sooo, yeah. My bad.

This fire comes just after the one above it. It has 3000 Zennys behind it! There is also a FireSword P directly south of this which you don't need to put any fires out to get to if you come from the left.

Don't forget to talk to Yai to get the Roll3 R.
Go through to door and over to the next - which of course, is also locked. So jack in.
About three seconds in we find a plethora of gates. Note that every gate in this area will have a random password.
The top-left gate leads to some data with 8000 Zennys. The bottom left and top right loop around connecting to each other, but this pathways also contains another gate, behind which is a Hurricane L. Take the bottom right path now, avoiding the small offshoot to the south at the first split, as it is a dead end. Open the gate when you come across it - the path beside it is another dead end.
The next platform will have another two gates - take the bottom left one for a FighterSword P. Take the top-right one now to reach the end of this section. Whoop! Higsby and Number Man will show up to save the day.
Head in the door, and wouldn't you know! Locked again!
So this next area is... NOOOOO THE ICE. *head explodes*
Right then. Skate right, then diagonally up and to the left. Then down, and go right a bit to get 4000 zennys. Go back up now, up the ramp, and slide off the edge. From here go right, loop around, and slide up. Go up the big ramp, avoiding the patch of ice to your left.
Up at the top we have another fun little section where there are multiple seperate drop-off points. The one furthest to the north will bring you to a Recover300 L. Go all the way up again and drop off the southern patch of ice this time.Once you're in the corner you want to position yourself facing up and to the right, near the bottom of the non icey part.

Next area! Cyber elves!
Go right to the series of pathways at the start, and then head as far south as you can. Head right and you will see a switch with a very short red pathway to the north and a blue pathway leading off east. Pass through the switch at an angle so that you are standing at the edge of the red platform, then pass through again to the right so that you can cross the blue one.
At the next switch to the south, duck into the left pathway (switching it to red) and then return to the previous pathway heading south. Take the pathway leading right at the end to get a TimeBomb3 P. Head back through the switch and this time continue on until the path turns south. Continue this way through two more switches, then turn left to stop over a red patch. Continue south, collecting an Hp Memory and passing through another switch to light up the blue pathways again. Head right, south, and then up to reach the end of the area.
Once Dex has had another brief moment of minor importance, head inside the door and you'll receive an e-mail. That's where I'll be wrapping up this post! See you at the finish line, next time!
Continue to part XIV --->
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