Hello, I'm Indigo and this is my video game walkthrough blog. I'm not amazing but I try my best. I mostly do rpg's because faster paced games are more difficult to screenshot, but that's mostly what I play to begin with so it works out well. Games are mostly going to be Nes/Snes/Gameboy/Gameboy Advance. I hope what I've done can be helpful!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Kirby's Adventure (Part XI)

I've gone and found myself some success! Also, I recommend going and finding a beam enemy before going to the next area.

Stage Four

The beginning area here is rather slopey. Our door is in the bottom right corner, blocked off by a bomb block. In the next area there will be a bomb block down below you, which you can destroy to free a 1up. (To collect it go down the pit past two sweepers and circle around to the left.) You'll see three more 1ups in the area, but you can only get these with the Beam power, which is not available in this level. If you do have the power though, drop down between the two sweepers and hit the bomb block to fall into the appropriate area.

Also, as you head right to get to the doorway, you will pass this area - there is an invisible doorway here. Yes, I have many more lives here than I do in my end jump screen cap - that is because I forgot about this place and had to catch it when I came back to collect those 3 1ups. Hooray! Anyway, as usual it leads to a switch (Egg Catcher).

The next area is very small, just a couple of parasol enemies and a doorway. You will want to get the umbrella though, the area afterwards is crammed full of falling coconuts and the only way to go is up. Even with the parasol you will need to be careful though, Kirby is quite a chubby character while in flight. The next area has even more coconuts - and also the door out of the stage.

Yeah, I lost my umbrella. It wasn't fun.

I did kinda sucky at the game this time.

Stage Five

You'll start off in an icy area, but there's nothing to do here so just move on to the doorway. This next area is kind of just a gigantic set of steps, riddled with enemies. You can choose to just fly up, but this way you have to dodge laser enemies, though walking/jumping up there are a couple bombs. It's your choice. Also, at the very top (past the doorway) is a Maximum Tomato.

This third area is small and has a brief underwater section. When you destroy the bomb block in the water, it will get rid of the three sword enemies to your right. However there will still be another one waiting for you when you get out of the water.

This next area contains one of the most infuriating puzzles in the game. First, consume the fire breathing enemy at the very start, then proceed and break the two bomb blocks on your way. Backtrack to where you destroyed the first one and drop down the hole. Before you light the fuse, make sure the get the 1up on your left.

Once you light the fuse, fly up out of the chasm as fast as you can. Fly up over the slopey parts - it may not seem like it, but it is the fastest way - and then land on the flat edge and slide off. You can kind of move around a bit as you fall to make sure you fall into the cannon. I actually managed it on my first try this time, for the first time EVER. Seriously. I hate that part.

Anyway, destroy the switch (quick draw) and exit that area, and you will get dropped off right at the end of the level.

*sigh* That is what I get for not paying attention. Anyway, go back to the Arena in level 5 and get the hammer ability before starting our last stage here.

Stage Six

Watch out in this first section, because everything will be trying to ruin your life. Drop down between where the ice-breathing enemy and the sword enemy are (or were if you killed them) and fly down and to the left until you reach a platform.

If you think this looks dangerous, you are absolutely right. You have to stand riiiiight on the edge of the platform, jump, swing the hammer and then right away start to fly back up. It's especially difficult because if you die, not only does the wall come back, but you have to wait until you complete the level to try again (on account of not having a hammer). As you'd expect, it leads to a switch (warp star room).

You can now fly back up and head to the next section. Be extremely careful in this area - there are UFO enemies flying around everywhere, and they will come at you fast. You will want to stick with your hammer ability if you want a 1up a bit later on, though. You will then end up in a small chamber with a bomb block - destroying it will reveal two doors. For the first time in the game this will lead to an actual split in the path.

The top door will take you to a battle against two Poppy Bros. Sr, and afterwards lead to a section where you get to plough through an ice area with a hyper candy. There is also a 1up trapped in a formation of ice blocks at the end.

The bottom door will take you to a battle against two Mr. Frosty enemies, and afterwards will lead to a sort of long cavern area with the bottom filled with water. You can simply fly over everything here - note there is no 1up along this path.

Either way, you will end up in a small room with an igloo with a door in it, which will take you to another battle against the Meta Knights.

Same stuff as usual. When you're done with them, you're done with the stage.


Meta Knight

Yes, we finally get to face off against the master of swipey stabby swordiness himself. Also, you are forced to use a sword for this battle. The best strategy I find is to jump over him a lot when he's running at you. This will make him jump, and when he lands from a jump is the easiest time to get a swipe in without him blocking it. When he does the move where he plants his sword in the ground, you can usually get two swipes in.

I will admit, I died no less than three times here because the button on my controller I am using for the jump button wasn't working correctly. Yay technology.

And that's it for level 6! See you next time in the final level of the game - Rainbow Resort!

Continue to part XII --->

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