Hello, I'm Indigo and this is my video game walkthrough blog. I'm not amazing but I try my best. I mostly do rpg's because faster paced games are more difficult to screenshot, but that's mostly what I play to begin with so it works out well. Games are mostly going to be Nes/Snes/Gameboy/Gameboy Advance. I hope what I've done can be helpful!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Kirby's Adventure (Part IX)

So I didn't see it before, but there was also a museum available (it didn't come after level 3, I know that for sure - so I'm assuming it was with 2). This has the Stone and Tornado abilities inside.

Stage Four

You'll end up in an area with our two favourite things - sand blocks and spikes! There is a 1up in here that you can try to get if you hate having full hp (or if you just have steadier flight control than I).

And we have another one of these.

Once you've defeated Meta Knight's band of merry men, you'll be spat out in an area with lots of waterfalls. This reminds me of Bubble Man's stage from Mega Man 2 for some reason. Probably for no reason other than the waterfalls, really.

Right, so this is a doorway. Not "this" as in where I'm standing, but that dark red place to the right that looks like it has a waterfall coming out of it. Very clever, Kirby people. Very clever. Anyway, in this area there is a Maximum Tomato and a couple enemies. There's also a 1up that seems trapped, but you can just inhale it. You'll notice there are two doors also. Take the lower one for a switch (arena - Bonkers) and then the upper to continue.

You may want to pick up the Spark ability before you go through the door, because this next room has a loooong fall down filled with enemies. Then the stage is over!


Stage Five

I got the hammer from the arena. We're gonna see if that comes in useful or not.

We find ourselves in a little woodland area, but we don't make it very far in before there's a door on the bottom level.

If you have a power get rid if it before entering. You will need to eat the high jump enemy inside to clear away some sandblocks, then get rid of THAT power and eat the fire enemy to light the cannon's fuse. Successful stuffing of yourself into a dangerous weapon will take you up to a switch (quick draw). You will then be returned to the forest.

Make your way to the other doorway - there is a Maximum Tomato just below if you need it. After this you will end up in an area with a warp star. Nothing in this new area but a door - which will take you to a room with another miniboss.

Fire Lion

He doesn't look quite as menacing in the game, but he can certainly be a pain to deal with. He will attempt to grab hold of you and scratch your face off, or alternatively turn into a fireball and try to cook you. He doesn't give you any special ability - just a regular old Fireball. 

You'll go through an empty area first, then another woodland area filled with enemies and vertical wooden columns for you to bounce off of in fireball form (if you got it). This area will also bring you to the end of the stage.

So close again! Rawr!

YES, THAT'S RIGHT. THAT HAPPENED. I wish I had been taking video of that so I could have shown you Kirby transform into a cannon. But it only lasts like half a second, and I was honestly so surprised that I had pulled it off. But yay, lives!

Stage Six

Recommended: Get the hammer power before starting this stage! Yes, it will be very aggrivating dodging all of the enemies at the start. But you need it for this stage's switch. In the first area, just wait for the wheels to drive off to the right before flying up into the various "safe spots" behind the little walls. In the second, the key is to not get intimidated by the gaps in the flooring - you can just walk right over these. The third area - stay on the ground so you have more time to dodge the enemies that drop down.

Also, the third area (with the enemies falling from the sky) is the one with the doorway we want. It'll be the first one you come to, and it will lead to a room submerged in water. Use the hammer to break the two green blocks at the top, then the sandblocks below them to reveal a door. This leads to a switch (warp star room) and a 1up. You can also reach the Maximum Tomato by flying up through the panels here. You can then return to the submerged room, and from there back to area 3, where your stage-end doorway is waiting to the right.


Also, it's boss time.

Heavy Mole

I brought the hammer in here because I was too lazy to go find anything else. To be honest, I think the Beam power would work better if you want to bother finding it somewhere.

Basically the "mole" will just travel around aimlessly, breaking the scenery as it goes. It will sometimes shoot out little enemies you can inhale and spit back - I think these actually give you a power but I don't remember what.

For this battle the key is really keeping up with the boss's sporadic movements - you will die if you fall behind.

**Post-edit: Turns out the enemies give you the Hammer ability. Huh.

Yes, down to half health yet again. I really am not a very careful player.

See you guys next time when we start off Level 6: The Orange Ocean!

Continue to part X --->

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