After a little bit of PLOT DEVELOPTMENT, our day starts off with Mega Man receiving some mail from Roll, and you having to go on a short errand to bring a reply back to her. You can also get a Recover50 L on Mayl's homepage (it said before you couldn't decode the data). After this you are free to roam around the net a bit more. By now you might be a bit better prepared to take on some of the deeper levels of the net.

We are supposed to meet Mayl, but when we get to the Metro Station, we are informed that she hasn't been here. That's strange. If you go to her house it just says that you hear the sound of running water. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do at this point, so I just went to the Government Complex to see if Sal had finished upgrading Wood Man yet. And she had.

Inside the complex, in the southwestern corner you will find a man looking for a Howitzer H chip. I have no idea what this is, let alone where to find one. So we'll be coming back to that. (Maybe)
Also in the northwest, is a man complaining about a malfunctioning vending machine. Why don't we jack in and check it out?

For the battle you get 2000 Zennys, and from the man outside the machine you'll get a Repair G. Laaaaame.
On the up side, a girl in the water treatment section (apparently you never gave your dad's ID back) will take the Repair H we got for our Dash G and give us a Hammer M for it.

With these events out of the way, I returned to ACDC town where Mayl showed up and told me to go ahead to Dentown without her. Whatever you say, lady!
By the time you leave Dentown's Metro Station, you will have received two bits of mail. The second one is most important, as it contains the Roll2 R chip. Somewhere along your travels you will also get a few e-mails regarding some events at the water treatment facility.

In the northeastern end of town (Block 2) you will find a shop. Inside, along the eastern wall is a large jar that you can jack into for a Quake3 C. Also you can challenge the lady behind the till to a Net Battle.

Skull Man
600 HP
Skull Fire: Skullman breathes a couple poofs of fire at you, move kind of slowly, travel in a straight line.
Skull Tomahawk: He summons two tomahawks that spin around your area. Still kind of slow, but it can be difficult to dodge them and the fire at the same time.
Skull Smash: A giant skull falls from the sky

Continue to part VIII --->
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