Go to Wystern's middle level and talk to the old lady in the south-eastern house to get our first Technique. Next, talk to the woman in the house west of here and agree to listen to her rant. She won't go on for very long and it will set up an event for the next day. Then go to the next house to the west and talk to the man. Buy the second Technique for 5000b.
Go to the upper level now and talk to the man to the south. Offer to search out his buddies for him, then go and talk to each of the other men on this level. You should need instructions on finding them, there's only a few places they can be in this small area. When you're done return to the first man and talk to him for Spiked Shoes. Now we're done, so go talk to Rondeau.

Go and speak to Bron for the day's Sword Technique and forge it right away if you wish. I'd suggest forging the elemental versions of the sword, spear, and drill before you set out. On your way to the port you will be stopped by the Mysterious Woman again. She will warn you about Master Ureksa, but we've got no other choice but to set out with him in the end.
Before you do so, he will ask you if you know about the hero from Seijent.

If you say the hero is a responsible and passionate man, you will meet Hayato.

If you say they are a man who appears cold-hearted you will meet Touya.

If you say the hero is a spirited woman you will meet Natsumi.

These also happen to be the four heroes from the first Summon Night for Playstation, which was never released in English. The choice you make doesn't effect the plot at all, just some dialogue.

Break the barrels in this area then continue to the second floor. You will meet the hero again here.

After some dialogue both Craftlords as well as the hero will take off and leave you alone. Go west and down the stairs. On this floor, first go through the northern gate and open the chest here for a Klotzen Potion. Surprise, surprise. Go back and pass through the eastern gate, then the next one to reach an area with some more barrels and the stairs down.
Keep passing through the gates here until you are given the option of two new ones. The left one leads to some barrels, and the other leads onward. You will be given a choice of two gates again after this, the one on the left leads to a chest with an Amulet. The other one leads to the stairs.

After the battle, go back to where the hero summoned the adorable hippo and check the area behind where the craftlords were for a chest that contains another Klotzen Potion. On the next floor, take the left gate, then the next, smash the barrels and then go through the next gate. Cross the bridge to your left and enter the gate. Use the healing tile and go down the stairs.
Enter the first gate here and then enter the left-most one for our second pair of Spiked Shoes. Go back and take the other gate and you will be arrive at the dungeon's final boss.

This boss has a couple other powerful attacks, but all you need to do to dodge these is dash to the other side of the screen. It won't use these unless you move away from the edges of the screen though, and you really shouldn't do that too often.
Anyway, after the battle you get the Magatama Necklet as well as the Northern Sword. A scene will take place landing you back in Wystern, so go drop the sword off with Amariss. Return to the Silver Guild, then choose who you want to visit for the end of the day events. All done with day 7!
Pratty Level: 37 (Atk 117, Def 102, Agl 67)
Rasho Level: 34
Techniques: 77
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