Go up to the door and press Y, then go downstairs and step on the transporter. After you've broken it (good job) walk back to the house. Head back to your sister's room, speak to her, and then inspect the lower-left corner. Read the mind of the newly created robo-turtle and Taro will join your party. Yay! Though, his method of creation is rather disturbing. Read the scientist guy's mind and he will freak out and run away. Make your way back to the park now (far west of the map) and get behind Matsu's Taiyaki stand. Face down and interact with it to have a customer approach you.

Young Woman: You will get a reward for charging her either 300 or 1000 Yen
Young Man: You will get a reward for charging him either 1000 or 10,000 Yen
Old Man: You will get a reward for charging him 100 Yen
For a 100 Yen sale, the reward will be a Taiyaki, for 300 it will be a Banana Crepe, for 1000 it will be a Gutsy Taiyaki and for 10,000 it will be a Miwasa Taiyaki. Try to get a couple of each, if you have the patience. When you're done head back to Chibikko House. The little boy out front wants a gutsy taiyaki and he'll give you a Glove in exchange. In the leftmost room along the upper wall of the house you'll find all of the children in bed. The guy in the top-right bed wants a taiyaki and he'll give you a Misanga. The girl wants a misawa taiyaki and she'll give you a Power Wrist. Watanabe wants a banana crepe and he'll give you a Cap in return.
When you're done feeding the children go into the bathroom and talk to the woman, and she'll leave. Inspect where she was standing to get the Director's Boxers, a useless item. Head through the door on the right and sit on the toilet (...) and you'll get the Watanabe's Boxers, an item that is considerably more useless. Walk down and then go back and Watanabe will come back and give you Taeko's Jeans. Do it again to get Taeko's Stockings. Do it one more time to get Taeko's Punch. Go back in and you'll get Taeko's Panties which of course, your character can equip. And so can the robot turtle. Both on their bodies and their heads. Yeah.

Toei will now "refine" items for you (refining guide here). The process will fail quite often, but if it does your item is not wasted. Almost any item can be refined except for top-tier items like Taeko's Punch and Potion No.9, but for some odd reason the shower cap cannot be refined either. When you're done here head back to Chibikko house. Once inside you'll hear a scream, so head back out and fight against a single Crusader. You can probably take it down in one hit by now.

Defeat the guards running around then take the escalator up. The Doberman enemies can be a bit tough to handle, but I was able to take them out with a single Dizzy Shot (equip Taro with a Hiyokkoko Cannon) or you can just defeat the guy that comes with them causing it to "break down". Take the door on the far right here and check the lockers for a Throwing Knife and a Hand Grenade. Back down on the main floor enter another door on the right, then go into the lower room and get another Throwing Knife and Hand Grenade from the other lockers here. Exit and continue right up another escalator. Take the door to the south and continue through this corridor to a different section of the building. Take out a couple enemies here and take the escalator on the right.

When you are done there go back to the hallway with the bathroom and take the escalator down at the bottom upward. Kill the guards here and go through the door to end up back in the first room of this section. Go down the escalator on the left now and defeat yet another guard to gain access to a room with some more crusaders. There is nothing in the lockers this time.

The first room in this hallways is empty, though you can read the woman's mind to initiate a fight with a whole bunch of guard enemies. The room on the end doesn't have much either but you can read some minds for a bit of information as to the goings-on in the facility. Also if you go into the back room and make your way between the tubes to the guy on the left and read his mind you'll get the password for the middle room (F49F). Go in there now.

Go in and talk to Taeko to send her out. Kaori is in the room that the children were napping in earlier, but there was a fire blocking the path at first. After I had checked all the other rooms it disappeared, so go in and get Kaori. After a bunch more dialogue you will be in control of Buriki Daioh! Yaay! Make your way (very slowly) to the temple at the north part of town. If you run into any Donryu enemies (large ship by itself) your most effective attack is Babylon Kick. When you get to the temple you will encounter this chapter's final boss.

Chapter Boss: Great Inko Statue [2032 HP]
This guy can hurt pretty badly, but if you just keep spamming Babylon Kick then you should make it through in the end. It is able to bind your feet making you unable to use the attack for a couple turns, but in this case Jomjom Bullet also works well. Halogen Laser is completely useless, and I never tried Metal Hit because my hands were bound for almost the entire fight. So there you go.
With that our Mecha chapter is complete!
Go back to the chapter selection
I wasn't sold on this chapter at all, it's all rather unintuitive without guides like this and you have to do some pretty obscure stuff to find out what to do next or get any decent items.
ReplyDeleteThe Buriki-Daioh ending almost saved it though.
The directions are very unclear, I agree. I spent quite a lot of time wandering around in this chapter while writing the guide. The mind-reading mechanic was probably the highlight for me, but other than that I found the pilot to be a really low-grade character in almost all respects.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I dumped Akira as soon as I did his dungeon in the ending and only really used him as a healer until I got Cube. His attacks had weird patterns, though I get what they were trying to do with the whole "harnessing his uncontrollable powers" thing.
DeleteHis cape was cool though.
Yeah, he's not very practical once the other characters are available. There's not a lot of roles to fill on a team, so it's not like you have to conserve space by combining a healing/area tech character, and since he has to be standing next to someone to heal them you're probably better off using items anyway. If you could actually use Buriki Daioh outside of that ONE fight it may have won him a few points.