Your next step should be recruiting at least one party member. The wrestler and the robot will both be in the castle which is nearby, but I didn't want either of them just yet so I had to go a bit further.

To the west you will find two more Joshua Seeds past the Naoriguse patch. Further west in Familia Village you can find more Naorigusa. Unlike the patch where we found the caveman, these ones do not regrow if you leave the area and come back. Let's go to the castle, next.

Nightmare Helmet, Genji's Helm, Axian Sword, Marvella Sword, three Amethyst Shields,
Genji's Tabi, Izanagi's Scroll, Unicorn Horn,
Silver Holy Robe, Genji's Armor, Silver Holy Robe, Genji's Gauntlet, Gatsun Glove,
Giant Meaty Bone, Castella,
Peach Bun, Potion No.9, Unicorn Horn
Over in the left room you'll find a single measly Defender, but down the stairs is the wrestler if you want to recruit him. But first you will have to watch a long scene of him training and also beat his face in, because punching things is his sole personality trait.

Also while you're up here you can go out onto the balcony and recruit the robot with the Item we got from the sparkling point on the mountainside. If you equipped some attack items like the Kotobuki Lacquer onto the mech pilot to carry over, you can put these onto the robot to give it some new skills and make it a bit more useful. It also has a decent counter ability and is the only character with an area heal technique, but it will never level up. You can only change its stats with equipment and by using Power Parts dropped by enemies.
Speaking of enemies, there are a few in particular you want to watch out for.
Mustard Dragons: Extremely high defense and powerful fire attacks, damage from an electric field will kill them
Pistachio: Extremely high defense, when hit will counter with a move that causes every status effect on all party members. The robot's Noise Stream works best.
Ishtar: Lots of hp, will use a magic technique that will hit the entire screen. Use your strongest attacks.
Tumble Bug: Very high defense and evasion rate, attacks deal about 100 damage each. Only about 65 hp.

This fight can be initiated by escaping from battle a total of 100 times during the final chapter. You will know when you are getting close because the last 5 fled battles will give you a message afterward. Like most other optional bosses in this part of the game it has high defense, and it can also turn you to stone (unless you have Ariel equipment from other optional bosses, which I did). My Kung Fu inheritor was still able to do a decent amount of damage with her ultimate attack, and the ninja dealt an acceptable amount with Bronze Leaf. The mecha pilot died instantly because I hadn't trained him at all, and the Wrestler never landed a single attack. Alternatively, you can completely cheap out and just hit it in the tail, causing it to die instanlty. Either way you will get the Ariel Mail for beating it.
Note: My main character was level 23 when I fought this battle.
When you've got all the equipment, Naorigusa, party members and experience you think you'll need head to the Forbidden Lands and inspect the stone demon head. If you have the Brion, it will open. In the northeast corner inspect the pile of bones for an Alice Biscuit and the next one over to the left for a Demon Cloud. There is also a Fujin's Scroll right by the door to the next chamber as well.

In the second chamber as you go along the path we took as the knight, you can get a Unicorn Horn from the pile of bones in a room to the north, a Fudo-Myoo's Fuda to the east of that, and another Demon's Cloud to the south. In the next chamber with a bunch of doors, open a chest with an Izanagi's Scroll in the northeast, get a Gold Topknot in the middle, and then head through the door at the west end as there is nothing else.
In this room go through the door on the top-left corner to get a Venus Figuring, an Argos's Eye, and a Potion No.9. The next room to the right has a set of Golden Robes. When that stuff is all collected, head through the northeast door to work your way up to the peak where the Medieval chapter concluded. As you walk around you'll see nothing here, but as you try to exit the demon king will appear to speak to you. When you regain control head back down the stairs anyway to be back in the wonky time/space area. Start heading south and you will end up being confronted by another optional boss.

Optional Boss: Head Plucker
My, what a wonderful name that is. Put your two characters who have the most health out front around the middle of the screen so that the boss can't reach the others. He only has one attack and as he uses it his stats will slowly drop. However you don't even need to do this if you approach it right. I had the wrestler use Tsuda a couple times, and the ninja use Strength of Ninja. He had his back turned a couple times so I had the caveman attack then, and he was finished after about 10 moves.
Unfortunately, you will be spat back out wherever your character first appeared and you will have to make your way all the way back to the peak. When you're done have a short chat with Mr. Embodiment Of Pure Evil and the fight will begin.

If you choose to finish him off after the battle you will fight the Knight one-on-one, and it will result in a pretty crappy ending. There's one line of dialogue and then the screen goes yellow and the credits roll. That's it. So, choose to spare him and start making your way out of the cave. Thought we were done? Nope! Plot twist, this game never ends! (I'm kidding, we're almost done)

That's it, the game is done! Congratulations!

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