Hello, I'm Indigo and this is my video game walkthrough blog. I'm not amazing but I try my best. I mostly do rpg's because faster paced games are more difficult to screenshot, but that's mostly what I play to begin with so it works out well. Games are mostly going to be Nes/Snes/Gameboy/Gameboy Advance. I hope what I've done can be helpful!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Live A Live: Contact (Extras)

#1 Crafting Items
Early in the chapter there is a room right next to the main characters' with a cave man running around inside at high speed. If you catch up to him and speak to him, an identical character will enter the room. Speak to either of these two and a third will appear. Do this over and over and eventually there will be 20 cave men in the room. However in order to receive the items you must interact with the very last one to enter, or they will all leave and you will get nothing. The easiest way to do it;

1. Talk to the cave men until there are 19 in the room (18 times)
2. Make sure they are all out of the way and then stand blocking the door.
3. Interact with any of them one more time, so the 20th will try to enter but be stuck below you.
4. Talk to him and receive a Big Stick, Bone, Beast Fang, Beast Horn, Hide, Tough Hide and Hard Rock

#2 Basic Rock
Once you have touched the chamber that leads to the end boss (through a doorway marked with a skull in the Ku Tribe caves, after the narrow hallway where you are rushed by enemies) you have access to this secret item.

Backtrack all the way to the area we landed in when we go kicked out of the tribe, and inspect this rock 100 times in a row, though it's probably best to clear the area of enemies first. The 100th check will open up a cave and if you encounter an enemy on your way you will have to start over. A click will tell you when the door is open, so head all the way over to the left side and you should see it.

Inspect the mural here and offer up a bone and you will be rewarded with the Basic Rock. This will increase the main character's IQ by 50, as well as having an in-battle effect of disabling an enemy's arms and legs and lowering their stats.

#3 The King Mammoth
This is by far the most frustrating secret to deal with I believe, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone either. The King Mammoth appears in the same area with the same conditions as the above secret, though you don't need to inspect the rock to initiate the event. Instead you have to clear out the area of all random encounters, and then try to track the optional boss down. It moves quickly and seems to avoid you at all costs, and running into it is a task all on its own. But finding it is only one of the several problems.

The King Mammoth is pure hell to deal with in battle. It's got a ton of hp, one move that floods the entire field with fire tiles (which heal it by the way) and another close-proximity move that takes off over 200 hp. You'll want the Basic Rock equipped on Pogo, and possibly some Nose Ornaments as well, because a high IQ is key to keeping ahead of this enemy. Gori is basically useless, so just keep passing or let him die, or have him use Giant Meaty Bones on Pogo if he gets in trouble.

To start off you want to use Zzz Zzz, then get in close and boost your stats with Meaty Bones. If you've been training you should have plenty of these (I had over 50 at level 16). Use two bones, then use Zzz Zzz again and keep doing this until you've used about 10. Then you'll want to keep using Push Push, it should be doing around 130 damage each time as well as paralyzing every third turn or so. The most troublesome part of this I think, is getting Zzz Zzz to stick in the first place, but once you've boosted your stats a little bit you'll have a much easier time with it.

When you are done you will always get the King's Fang, however there is also a small chance that the King Mammoth will drop the Cola Bottle - an unlimited use item that deals 999 damage to a single enemy.

And that's it for the Contact chapter extras!

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