Yeah, somehow this officer couldn't find the guy she was looking for even though he is right there. The people inside the house have been robbed, and even if you just try to walk past without engaging the guy in battle you're forced to fight him anyway. Oh, well.

Rocket || ¥510
Machop Lv.17 || Fighting || 319 exp
Drowzee Lv.17 || Psychic || 370 exp
As a bonus for our mandatory good deed, we get TM28 Dig. This is the first move we have access to that has an effect outside of battle (unless you caught an Abra). It works the same as an escape rope, meaning it returns you to the entrance of a dungeon. Follow the path south, being careful not to hop the ledge back into Cerulean City.
Route 5 & 6

Pidgey || Normal / Flying
Oddish || Grass / Poison (Red version only)
Meowth || Normal (Blue version only)
Mankey || Fighting (Red version only)
Bellsprout || Grass / Poison (Blue version only)
Across some ledges on this route, you will find the daycare. A Pokemon placed in the daycare will receive 1 exp for each step your player takes. Upon withdrawing a Pokemon from the daycare you must pay ¥100, plus an additional 100 for each level the Pokemon has gained. Any moves that become available upon level up will be taught automatically, potentially meaning moves you want to keep will be overwritten. Pokemon do not evolve in the daycare.
The little girl (or boy, it's hard to tell) at the tunnel entrance will trade you a female Nidoran for your male Nidoran, which is useful if you don't want to spend the extra time looking for the less common species. At least in Red version, in Blue the female is more common to begin with.
You will emerge on Route 6, which has some trainers to face off against.

Bug Catcher || ¥160
Weedle Lv.16 || Bug / Poison || 177 exp
Caterpie Lv.16 || Bug || 181 exp
Weedle Lv.16 || Bug / Poison || 177 exp

Jr. Trainer♂ || ¥400
Squirtle Lv.20 || Water || 282 exp

Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥320
Rattata Lv.16 || Normal || 195 exp
Pikachu Lv.16 || Electric || 280 exp

Bug Catcher || ¥200
Butterfree Lv.20 || Bug / Flying || 685 exp

Jr. Trainer♀ || ¥320
Pidgey Lv.16 || Normal / Flying || 187 exp
Pidgey Lv.16 || Normal / Flying || 187 exp
Pidgey Lv.16 || Normal / Flying || 187 exp

Jr. Trainer♂ || ¥320
Spearow Lv.16 || Normal / Flying || 198 exp
Raticate Lv.16 || Normal || 397 exp 
*singing of a heavenly choir*
I hate this city. I don't even know why. There's actually a decent amount of houses and stuff, but I just don't like it. Maybe it's because I'm not a big fan of the colour orange? Who knows.
In the house to the left of the Pokemon Center (northwest corner of the city) this man will give you the Old Rod. Also known as the Magikarp Rod, but possibly only to me.
Directly south of the fisherman's house is the Pokemon fan club. Go in and talk to the chairman, and at the end of his speech he will give you the Bike Voucher. When you take this back to the shop in Cerulean, you will be able to receive a Bicycle free of charge! I recommend heading back right away.
The child in the house next to the fan club will trade you a Farfeth'd for a Spearow. Like the Jynx trade, it is the only one of the species available and it comes with a nickname. It is a Normal/Flying type.
East of the city is the Diglett's Cave, which is home to the Pokemon for which its names and its evolved form Dugtrio. They are both pure ground types. Catching a Diglett would be very beneficial for the upcoming gym battle, however I would caution against trying to catch its evolved form. The wild Dugtrio are found upwards of level 30, meaning they may not listen to you and there's also the chance of them KO'ing your Pokemon while you are trying to catch them.
There is some stuff on the other side, but most of it is unavailable at present so I'm going to take care of some trainers a bit further east.
Route 11

Spearow || Normal / Flying
Ekans || Poison (Red version only)
Sandshrew || Ground (Blue version only)
Drowzee || Psychic

Gambler || ¥1260
Poliwag Lv.18 || Water || 297 exp
Horsea Lv.18 || Wateri || 319 exp

Youngster || ¥315
Ekans Lv.21 || Poison || 279 exp
I went and caught a Magikarp and it took me almost two hours to evolve it, but at last I have a Gyarados. And all because I decided I didn't want to wait all the way until Saffron to get a Lapras.

Youngster || ¥285
Sandshrew Lv.19 || Ground || 378 exp
Zubat Lv. 19 || Poison / Flying || 219 exp

Youngster || ¥270
Nidoran♂ Lv.18 || Poison || 231 exp
Nidorino Lv. 19 || Poison || 454 exp

Gambler || ¥1260
Bellsprout Lv.18 || Grass / Poison || 324 exp
Oddish Lv.18 || Grass / Poison || 300 exp

Gambler || ¥1260
Growlithe Lv.18 || Fire || 351 exp
Vulpix Lv.18 || Fire || 243 exp

Engineer || ¥1050
Magnemite Lv.21 || Electric || 400 exp

Youngster || ¥255
Rattata Lv.17 || Normal || 207 exp
Rattata Lv.17 || Normal || 207 exp
Raticate Lv. 17 || Normal || 421 exp

Gambler || ¥1260
Voltorb Lv.18 || Electric || 396 exp
Magnemite Lv.18 || Electric || 342 exp

Engineer || ¥900
Magnemite Lv.18 || Electric || 342 exp
Magnemite Lv.18 || Electric || 342 exp
Magneton Lv.18 || Electric || 621 exp
At the far end of the route you can find a rope in a bush outside of a large building, which is another guardhouse.
On the second floor of the station you will find a boy who wants to trade you a Nidorina in exchange for a Nidorino. There is also one of Professor Oak's aides, and if you've obtained at least 30 kinds of Pokemon he will present you with an Itemfinder. This sounds like it would be useful, but honestly you can skip it. It only pings if there is a hidden item on the screen, it doesn't give you any sort of clue as to where it actually is.
Take the exit out the other side and find another hidden item, though take note that we can't actually explore this route yet. There is a Snorlax in our way, which is rather rude.
Well, I was going to continue right on with this up until beating the gym leader but I've decided to split it into two posts once again. In the next section I'll be taking you aboard the S.S. Anne. It is filled with trainers, but you can leave to heal at any time. Buy some Potions if you think you'll need them, though!
My Team So Far

Murphy, Lv.22
Toby, Lv.23
Annie, Lv.23
Sidney, Lv.22
Geraldine, Lv.22
(I swear I am not naming them all thing that end in y on purpose... I somehow didn't think "Sidney" counted??)
Items Obtained
TM28 Dig
Old Rod
Bike Voucher (exchanged)
Escape Rope
Item Finder
Hyper Potion
Seen: 58
Own: 31
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