Route 3

Pidgey || Normal / Flying
Spearow || Normal / Flying
Jigglypuff || Normal
You will have to run a gauntlet of trainer battles before having access to any patches of grass (though some of the battles can be avoided, which I wouldn't recommend) but when you do reach it there is only one new Pokemon to be found. Jigglypuff is a somewhat rare find, but it can be a useful addition to your team if you take the time. It is famous for its ability to put Pokemon to sleep with its Sing attack, but it can also be a decent special attacker if you use a few TMs on it.

Lass || ¥135
Pidgey Lv. 9 || Normal / Flying || 105 exp
Pidgey Lv.9 || Normal / Flying || 105 exp
Both her Pidgey know Sand Attack and if you don't kill them quickly they can get extremely annoying and also dangerous. If you caught a Pikachu back in Viridian Forest now would be a good time to bust it out, its Thundershock will fry them quickly. You can ignore this fight completely if you try, but y'know. Exp is nice.

Bug Catcher || ¥100
Caterpie Lv.10 || Bug || 112 exp
Weedle Lv.10 || Bug / Poison || 111 exp
Caterpie Lv.10 || Bug || 112 exp

Youngster || ¥165
Rattata Lv.11 || Normal || 133 exp
Ekans Lv.11 || Poison || 145 exp
This guys is super annoying. His Rattata will use a combination of Tail Whip and Quick Attack and then his Ekans will lower your defense with Leer and immobilize you with Wrap. It also knows Poison Sting which isn't that powerful but can still cause problems in its own way.

Bug Catcher || ¥90
Weedle Lv.9 || Bug / Poison || 99 exp
Kakuna Lv.9 || Bug / Poison || 136 exp
Caterpie Lv.9 || Bug || 102 exp
Metapod Lv.9 || Bug || 138
The next trainer will be down between two ledges, so you'll have to jump down to engage him and then circle back around once you beat him to continue.
The next trainer will be down between two ledges, so you'll have to jump down to engage him and then circle back around once you beat him to continue.

Youngster || ¥210
Spearow Lv.14 || Normal / Flying || 174 exp
Yeesh. I am really regretting not using Spearow and Rattata against Diglett and Sandshrew back at the gym. Yeah it's only about 100 more exp each, but it would have at least helped them keep up with these trainers... FORESIGHT, I HAVE NONE. Luckily that Spearow didn't land any hits on me because I was going after it with a level 11 Rattata.

Lass || ¥150
Rattata Lv.10 || Normal || 121 exp
Nidoran♂ Lv.10 || Poison || 127 exp

Bug Catcher || ¥110
Caterpie Lv.11 || Bug || 124 exp
Metapod Lv.11 || Bug || 169 exp

Lass || ¥210
Jigglypuff Lv.14 || Normal || 228 exp
After this, you will come across a couple npc's to talk to and a Pokemon Center. There is a man here who will sell you a Magikarp for ¥500.
I have seen that some people do insist it isn't as much of a ripoff as it sounds, seeing as how you gain early access to what eventually evolves into a powerful Pokemon, but I would still say not to bother personally. Once you get your first fishing rod you will have access to an endless supply of Magikarp for free, and it will also be much easier to train to evolution when there are stronger wild Pokemon around.
Is everybody ready for another dungeon?! Yaaay! I actually do like this place, because literally every wild Pokemon species you encounter is something we haven't been able to find up to this point. Even though 90% of them are Zubat.
Mt. Moon

Clefairy || Normal
Zubat || Poison / Flying
Paras || Bug/Grass
Geodude || Rock / Ground
Oh and also there's more trainers. First I'm going to be collecting some items, and for that we want to go left.

Bug Catcher || ¥110
Weedle Lv.11 || Bug / Poison || 121 exp
Kakuna Lv.11 || Bug / Poison || 166 exp
A little bit south-west of this trainer we will find our first non-gym TM!
This item, which as you can see is practically right beside the Bug Catcher trainer contains a Potion. Also handy. Over to the right where you came in there is a sign. I expected this to just say "Welcome to Mt. Moon" or something.
But it didn't.

Lass || ¥210
Clefairy Lv.14 || Normal || 204 exp
My Spearow was having absolutely NONE of that Clefairy's nonsense. Sing didn't work and then it tried to use Growl the two turns after that only to have it fail both times. Head east and north around a rock wall and you'll come to our first ladder of the dungeon.
When you come out the other side of the corridor (another ladder) you will find our first Rocket trainer directly to the north.

Rocket || ¥330
Sandshrew Lv.11 || Ground || 219 exp
Rattata Lv.11 || Normal || 133 exp
Zubat Lv.11 || Poison / Flying || 126 exp
To the east you will find an HP Up which permanently increases one of your Pokemon's HP by a slight amount. Go back up to the ground floor and head south from the ladder, you will come across a large rock slab with a trainer on each side. We're going to explore the left first.

Super Nerd || ¥275
Magnemite Lv.11 || Electric || 208 exp
Voltorb Lv.11 || Electric || 241 exp
I won't take a picture of it because I don't want to clog up the post too much (too late) but right beside him there is an item ball that has another Potion. If you go directly to the right from where you pick it up there is another ball with a Rare Candy. This will instantly elevate one Pokemon to the next level. North and a bit west from the item is another trainer. (If you just walk straight north a rock wall will actually block you from his line of sight)

Bug Catcher || ¥100
Caterpie Lv.10 || Bug || 112 exp
Metapod Lv.10 || Bug || 153 exp
Caterpie Lv.10 || Bug || 112 exp
Aaargh, all these Bug Catchers with level 10 things that aren't Butterfree or Beedrill are really ticking me off. I want more exp! Oh well. From where you battle this guy you can see another item ball around the rock wall to the northwest, it contains an Escape Rope. Follow this path as far north as it goes and then start to head west.

Lass || ¥165
Oddish Lv.11 || Grass / Poison || 183 exp
Bellsprout Lv.11 || Grass / Poison || 198 exp
Keep going west and once you hit a wall there will be a ladder below you. It's not the way forward, so if you're in a rush to get out of this place then carry on past it. If you do go down, you'll find another Team Rocket member.

Rocket || ¥360
Zubat Lv.12 || Poison / Flying || 138 exp
Ekans Lv.12 || Poison || 159 exp
Directly above him you'll find an item ball with a TM01 Mega Punch. There is also this hidden item off to the right. When you are done head back up the ladder and continue to the southwest.

Youngster || ¥150
Rattata Lv.10 || Normal || 121 exp
Rattata Lv.10 || Normal || 121 exp
Zubat Lv.10 || Poison / Flying || 115 exp
The only way to go from here is north.

Hiker || ¥350
Geodude Lv.10 || Rock / Ground || 183 exp
Geodude Lv.10 || Rock / Ground || 183 exp
Onix Lv.10 || Rock / Ground || 231 exp
This is happening right now yaaaaaaay! First evolution of this playthrough! Bulbasaur has been at level 15 since the fight with Brock but I've only been using Spearow and Rattata for the trainer battles up to this point to let them catch up. But now everyone is all evened out and everything is nice.
Anyway, northwest of the hiker trainer is a Moon Stone which can be used to evolve Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina or Nidorino. If you're planning on using any of these Pokemon on your team you won't want to use it right away, unless you are only planning to teach the Pokemon TM or HM moves from this point on. Their move pools become severely restricted upon evolving.
Down our final ladder for this dungeon (cheers from the audience) you will find, of course, another member of Team Rocket.

Rocket || ¥480
Raticate Lv.16 || Normal || 397 exp
Ugh. I was completely unprepared for this guy and he KO'd all my Pokemon. He got critical hits against my first two, then Ivysaur was the only one to survive and it flinched. The second time around he used Quick Attack more than Hyper Fang and I got a bit lucky with my own critical hits. He still managed to take out Ivysaur in the end but it was weakened enough that my Rattata took it out with a Quick Attack. I suggest saving before you challenge him (if you lose, a bunch of your money gets taken). You may be tempted to avoid him altogether, but his Pokemon dishes out a lot of exp. If you have any Pokemon that know Sing or Leech Seed, put them out first.
Follow the long winding path around and you will encounter yet another Rocket trainer.

Rocket || ¥390
Rattata Lv.13 || Normal || 157 exp
Zubat Lv.13 || Poison / Flying || 150 exp
Once you have thrashed the final Team Rocket member, head east for another hidden item. Head back and go north for the very last trainer of the dungeon.

Super Nerd || ¥300
Grimer Lv.12 || Poison || 231 exp
Voltorb Lv.12 || Electric || 264 exp
Koffing Lv.12 || Poison || 292 exp
Now you are forced to choose a fossil which will take up valuable space in your inventory forever and ever and ever (unless you chuck it in the pc, which I highly recommend).

On the left is the Dome Fossil which can later be revived into Kabuto. It is a Rock/Water type that evolves at level 40 and has the main moves of Absorb and Slash.

On the right is the Helix Fossil which will eventually become Omanyte. It is a Rock/Water type as well, and evolves at level 40. Its main moves are Water Gun and, for some reason, Horn Attack.
Both these Pokemon will eventually learn Hydro Pump and can be taught the TM for Rock Slide.
And, that marks the end of our journey through Mt. Zubat! I was going to keep going but we've still got about a dozen trainers standing between us and the next gym battle and if I put all that into one post my blog might get depressed. See you soon!
My Team So Far

Murphy, Lv.16
Toby, Lv.17
Annie, Lv.17
TM12 Water Gun
Potion (x2)
Rare Candy
Escape Rope
TM01 Mega Punch
Moon Stone
Dome Fossil OR Helix Fossil
Seen: 30
Own: 18
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