Going back to the rock maze and go a screen east from the nothernmost section. Cut down the single bush here and go down the steps that are revealed. Watch out for the fish here as you make your way east and equip the boots so you can smash through the crystals on the second screen. When you emerge go two screens south.

This is the entrance to the Animal Village. For now go another couple screens south, avoiding a bunch of annoying bombers, buzz blobs, and spiny beetles hiding under a bush and a rock. Go west a screen and up and dig to the left of an owl statue here for a Secret Seashell (14/20). Go back to the animal village now, talking to the residents if you wish. But the main reason we are here is for the warp point we can access from the southeast exit. Take this back to Ukuku Prairie. Go right, up, and right again to get to our next destination.

From here go and take the warp point back to the Animal Village. What we want here is in the southeast house - a bear who will take your honeycomb and give you a Pineapple in exchange. He also tells you that you can't access Yarna desert because there is a sleeping walrus blocking the road, but he also tells you how to get him to move. We've got to go back to Mabe Village for that, but luckily we don't have to walk all the way back.
After warping back, go one screen left and one down. Ram the tree opposite the phone hut with your pegasus boots to get another Secret Seashell (15/20). Note there is no bonus seashell awarded for this one unlike 5 and 10. After that I went and bought the Bow which comes with 20 Arrows as well. If you don't quite have enough yet, don't worry. It's really not necessary to get it at all, but it does help with a few types of enemy.

Head south now to the screen right before the entrance to the Tail Cave. Charge this tree from the right side to get a Secret Seashell (16/20). Head back to the beach, in the very southeast corner and talk to our lady friend.

I love how the game treats her like an item. Like you're just going to hold her by the feet and smack some monsters with her. There are three pictures you can get with Marin accompanying you as well; First on the upper ledge in the southwest corner of the beach, secondly by jumping down the well in between the beach and the Mysterious Forest (where we got a heart piece) and third at the rooster statue in Mabe Village.
Head back and take the warp to Animal Village, then take the other south exit on the west side this time, and down to the screen with the walrus. Interact with him to have Marin jar him awake with her song. Our path is now open, so enter the Yarna Desert. Head three screens north for a miniboss.

From the exit to the cave, head down along the right-side edge of the screen until you come to a spot with two bushes and two boulders. Lift up the bottom boulder to get another Secret Seashell (17/20). Start making your way out of the desert and Cahoot will show up to bug you. When he leaves you'll have to make your way all the way back to where we entered the second dungeon. Yep.
I find the easiest way is take the warp back to Mabe village, but on the way stop and talk to Marin to learn the Ballad of the Wind Fish for your Ocarina. Once you warp head up a screen past the boulder and up past the graveyard. If you have not gone through the bonus dungeon yet, now is a very convenient time to do so.

For now continue east, tossing another boulder out of our way and slaying some moblin pigs along the path. Head down some steps when you come to them, then go right and north to the upper set of screens. Go east and you will pass by the entrance to a cave (which we can't reach from here) and then the keyhole (which we'll come back to in a second) and finally a warp zone. Activate this by stepping on it, then take a couple more warps back to that position, then go left and stick the key in the hole.
Head back and head up the first set of steps you come to and you will find a cave blocked up by some boulders, just toss one of them away and head inside.

More zols and keese in this next hallway, then up some more stairs. You'll pass by a heart piece but you can't get it yet. Take the exit to the south for a chest with 50 Rupees then go back inside. Charge through the crystals to the right with your boots and take the other exit here. Make your way right and head into a cave. It's a straightforward path here, then up some stairs is another chest, though it just contains a zol. Head south and out.

With that we are at the entrance to the fourth dungeon, so I'll handle all that business in the next section.
Go to part 6 --->
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