Use your hookshot to cross the bridge and you will bump into Marin, who mutters some vague half-sentences and then wanders off. The owl will come to bark at you once more, but when he's done you are free to continue on. Head down into the tunnel at the end of the path, then head west and jump down a ledge to take the stairs down. Make your way through another tunnel, using the hookshot where necessary, back to the outside of the mountain. Make your way up while trying to avoid the falling rocks. At the top go west, lifting up the boulder on the screen where there is only one to encounter the Mad Batter and get the upgrade for your arrows if you do not have it already.

Level Eight: Turtle Rock
Dungeon Map
Time to traverse the massive interior of the giant turtle we just decapitated. Yaaay, heroism. From the entrance go up a room and you will meet Vire - this guy shows up a whole bunch of times throughout the dungeon and he's very annoying. He'll fly around shooting two blue fireballs at you and he'll fly away if you try to hit him with your sword or your bow. The most effective thing I found was actually the sword laser, he doesn't seem to dodge those. Once you've hit him twice he'll split into two bats and fly at you. And he doesn't count as a mini boss so once you go through a few rooms and come back he'll be there again. Blech.

In the next room is a couple sparks and a chest out in the open with 50 Rupees. Ignore this if you wish and go left. Here you'll encounter Rolling Bones, who is also the exact same as before. Just hop over the pillar and hack away at him, half the time he'll just keep jumping into your sword until he dies. To the south there is a room with a couple zols and a vacuum, and a Compass if you're interested, but either way head north from Bones' room.

After a short tunnel you'll emerge in a room where you have to dodge a beamos while lifting up a pot right under its nose to step on another button. There's also a couple zols here who will try to get in your way. Once you've opened the door go south and this time we meet up with Smasher. Pick up the ball and smack him with it four times like before, get a fairy if you need it and go left.

Vire will be back yet again but you don't even need to bother with him this time, just hop across the lava to the north and continue on. As you make your way east you'll pass by a chest - this contains the Dungeon Map. You can get it by using the tile builder in the next room to get to the section of floor on the left. Push the upper and lower stone blocks left and then move the middle one up or down out of the way. However in order to get back, you'll have to bomb the wall just east of the stone blocks you've moved, then go up to the next room and left to a staircase that will carry you to the room just south of where you fought Smasher. The Stone Beak will also be here, then you'll have to go up, fight Smasher again, and come back over here.

Jump past the blade traps here and kill the stalfos if you want, but ignore the staircase. It leads to a dead end. Take the one-way door to the north to end up in a room with a whole bunch of cracked stone blocks. We can't do what we need here so kill the four zol hiding in the floor and go north again. Here you'll find two gibdos roaming around a room that is almost entirely cracked floor tiles. Hop around with the Roc's feather and take them out, getting a Key (1) for your efforts. Head left.

If you defeat him, you will gain access to the room on the left which will get you up on a ledge to graple over to the chest containing 50 Rupees. Whether you wish to get this or not, head up the stairs at the north end when you are done in Vire's room. You will be outside and, what a pleasant surprise, our last Piece of Heart (4/4) is sitting right out in the open. Grab this and go right. You can activate the warp point here if you want, but we're almost done with the game so there isn't much use for it. Go right another screen from here for what appears to be a little cave that actually leads back into the dungeon.

Go to the right and jump down into the room of cracked tiles, ignoring the gibdos unless they really pester you, and go south back to the room with a bunch of cracked blocks. There are 10 bombs floating in the air here for you, so grab those and place one on the left wall directly below the leftmost block. In this darkened room get the sparks out of your way if you wish then hop across the pit and open up the locked block (-1 key), then proceed to the next room.
Kill the single rope here and proceed left once more. Head up the steps and unlock the block (-1 key) heading back east. Grapple across to another locked block (-1 key) and go down the stairs. There are some very dangerous jumps in this tunnel between the moving platforms and the balls of lava that jump up at you, and on the first screen there's even a wooden block hanging down that will knock you off the platform. You can just jump over it, though. When you make it to the other side you'll have to go down into the next room and fight the (actual) miniboss of this dungeon - Blaino.

This guy will go down with just two spin attacks from your sword, but don't take him too lightly. When you see him winding up make sure you are well out of the way because his uppercut will send you back to the dungeon entrance. Note that the shield won't work against the attack, I'm just holding it out here so I don't get pounded even more while trying to take a screenshot. Also note that you can only hurt him from behind.
When you're done take the warp portal back to the entrance anyway, defeating Vire above and going right and down to descend the steps in the arm mimic room. Go through the tunnel, heading south in the room with the beamos like before and disposing of Smasher again. Go left and then head up in the next room and hit the switch. Use Manbo's Mambo to return to the entrance and take the warp portal back to Blaino's room. Take the northeast exit and open the chest to receive the Magic Rod.
Go back to the entrance yet again and use your new weapon to take Vire out in one hit - he won't even split into the bats. Go left the way we went at the very beginning back to the room with the tile builder. This time guide it to the north to find a room with two unlit torches behind low barriers. Light them with the Magic Rod for another Key (1). Back in the first Vire room go north and east to the area with the tile builder and a bunch of lava. Guide the device over to the steps on the right and go over to them and up the staircase they lead to. In the first section of the tunnel just fire the Magic Rod to dispose of the ice and goombas, but in the second section you'll want to equip the Roc's Feather and only clear the top row of ice.

When you come up on the other side, unlock the door below you (-1 key) and go left to face another in the long list of minibosses - Cueball this time. It's a bit more of a challenge this time around since there's lava all through the room. The same strategy of jumping over him as he comes up behind you will work here too. When it's dead go north. Fill in the entire pit with the tile builder to reveal a chest with the Nightmare's Key. Use Manbo's Mambo to warp back to the beginning for the final time.
Head back to the room with the tile builder and the lava and this time make a path to the single tile just a couple paces to the right of the stairs we took last time. Go to the next screen and up the staircase. In this tunnel, burn the ice cube immediately to your left as you enter and then climb the ladder and get rid of the two up there as well. From the newly emptied space face upward and burn the blocks above you, then jump and clear out the remainder of the top row. From here there are two columns of ice below you. Stand on top of the one on the left, jump, and fire the wand downward then as you fall hold left and shoot another flame. You will melt the other block in your way and land on the ledge where it was sitting, if you're quick enough. If not you can just climb the ladder to the right and try jumping down again.
In the next chamber, stand on top of the right-most column of ice, jump and fire downward. Stand in the newly opened space, jump, and fire upward. If you burn the very bottom block in this row you will have to go back to the first room of the tunnel and re-enter to try again. Once you've pulled it off, climb the ice steps and emerge in front of the door to the nightmare's lair. We've had enough delays I'd say, so head on in.

No sense creating a new section for the end bit, I'm just going to keep going. Did you get those instructions from the library that I suggested you write down earlier? If not, you'll have to go back to Mabe village and check the book in the bottom right corner, then make your way to the Wind Fish's egg from there. I can't post a screenshot or give you directions because it's different for each game. If you did get them head east, east, north and then east again. Jump down here and continue east and more east, past the bottle grotto and some boulders and up the long set of steps.

Phase 1: Nightmare of Giant Bot
Pretty much a giant gel enemy, it will bounce around after you rather slowly. Sprinkle magic powder on it a few times to get rid of it.
Phase 2: Nightmare of Aghanim
This wizard enemy will charge up a ball of energy and fling it at you, simply deflect it with your sword. The deflected attack is the only thing that will harm this form, though beware he may also send a shot that you cannot deflect and instead it will burst and cause damage (this one looks different).
Phase 3: Nighmare of Moldorm
Exactly the same as the boss of Tail Cave, except this one doesn't have any pits to knock you into and takes a few more hits to kill. It blocks off access to its tail rather often, but it's much more bothersome than actually dangerous.
Phase 4: Nightmare of Ganon
This form has a very simple attack pattern. First it will summon flaming bats to swoop at you, which can be avoided fairly easily with the Roc's feather. It will then throw its staff across the room and dash over to where the staff is. Your opportunity to hit it is after it catches its staff and summons more bats. Takes about 5 or 6 spin attacks.
Phase 5: Nightmare of Lanmola
This is hardly even a phase, hit it once with any weapon and it's done.

This form HURTS. Its only attack is swinging its two arms around in opposite directions as it floats around the room, but if it makes contact it does a lot of damage. The "proper" way to defeat this boss is to jump over the arms, waiting for its eye to open and ducking in to try to get off one or two shots with the bow... however if you really want to cop out on the fight, a single hit with the boomerang will take it down.
After the battle you will get some scenes which turn out to be kind of depressing, but I suppose we were warned. The credits will roll, and a thank-you message will appear, and the game will be done! And what a lovely game it was. I hope this guide will be helpful, I do apologize if it ended up a bit choppy. I've only played this game once before so I've had to make a lot of corrections as I've gone along. Thank-you for reading!
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