And then she whispers in his ear... "Your fly's undone"
Welcome to paaaart... nine? Yeah, part nine. Of Mega Man Battle Network! In our last... chapter, I guess? I don't know what a fancy name for these would be. Well anyway, we've just beaten the snot out of Color Man. Now as usual, there is a little transition scenario that wraps up this event and introduces the next one.

So then you get an e-mail from your dad and it's all lovely and happy and all that, and we're supposed to go home and talk to our mother or something but first we're going to run around and do other stuff because our mother is probably drunk and grumpy.

First talk to this old man hiding in the bushes and give him Escape chips coded F, H, J, L and N. If you've been following this you should have them all by now. You get the KnightSword G in exchange which is AMAZING.
Also there's a man by Higsby's shop that says "The WWW is taking advantage of our reliance on machines"... You don't say!? That almost made me smack my head on the desk right there. And yet this series goes on for SIX GAMES and people NEVER STOP RELYING ON MACHINES FOR EVERYTHING THEY DO. SJJHSDHGSDUWH </rage>
I forgot to screen cap it because I am a bad person, but I S-Ranked Numberman and got the V3 chip.

Beat up the two ice cube bear guys (like the ones we fought in the first section of the water works) and return to the man to get 10,000 zennys. Yes, really.

I then went to Dentown, where a little girl in the southeast corner requested a Shotgun K, CrossGun K, Spreader K, and a M-Cannon K for a Recover300 C. And I was like "No, gtfo." Mostly because, as usual, I did not have all the chips needed. Also partially because I highly suspect this is relating to a Program Advance and I want to try it out myself before I give the chips away.

With that taken care of, let's head back to ACDC town and talk to our mother. Lan decides to go ahead without his mother because she always takes too long. Forreal, this happens. But oh well, head over to the government complex. Naturally there's some stuff to do in this area as well.

Jack into the fish cart to get @Masa, though note the other mystery data in here can not be decoded at the moment. Also note that if you used the @Miyu you got earlier to explore the net and get the Fire Armor, you should proooobably unequip it before taking on this guy's Navi.
Shark Man
700 HP
Fin Glide: One of the three fins will charge across the screen at you. They can only move in a straight line.
Aqua Tower: Whenever the real Shark Man is hit with an attack, he will come ot the surface and use this.
That's it, as far as I can tell.

Head on up to the water treatment area now and talk to Dr. Froid. He will give you the WWW Pin, so you can open those gates on the net blocked off by skull and crossbones. Yay! You can also challenge Ice Man V3 now. (I went ahead and got both the V2 and the V3 chips... it took a while.)

So anyway, head over to the SciLab section of the first floor and waddle over to the tvs. You'll see a familiar face here.
Or maybe it would be more accurate to say a familiar BUTTface. Anyway, after Chaud is mean to you some more you'll be teleported to a party. Let's ignore everyone, since no one has anything interesting to say, and go jack into those PETs on display in the northeast corner. You can find an HPmemory in this area.

Okay anyway. Talk to Lan's dad.

More on the dysfunctional Hikari family in the next installment!
*Note: This is a lie.
Continue to part X --->
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